Monday, January 30, 2017


BYOD is a trend where students can bring in their personal iPads or smartphones into the classroom. The advantages of students bringing their own devices are that it increases the level of interaction within the classroom. Students can digitally collaborate with their teachers and classmates on project ideas.  Teachers can have students download applications like Dropbox to have a storage place for homework assignments or journals for later retrieval. However, the disadvantages of BYOD are keeping students focused on school work. Some students may lose focus when they are distracted with interacting on social media sites while a lecture is in progress. Another issue is protecting students from cyber bullying during school hours. Some students may fall prey to other students posting negative information on sites like Facebook and become consumed in wanting to defend their good name. Lastly, not all students have the funds to afford smart devices and may feel disconnected from the classroom. Teachers would need to have a few mobile devices on hand to meet the needs of those who are not financially able to purchase a handheld device.

In the future, plan to incorporate BYOD in the classroom teaching technology at Brew Tech. I enjoy knowing students are active participants in their course of study. By allowing students to use their own handheld devices, they are already familiar with the features on their devices which makes it easier for the students to interact in class. For example, most students have smartphones with Google drive; this would enable them to learn a new technique on how to use this drive to save their journals. Also, can have students to download unfamiliar apps to increase their excitement about learning. For example, I could create QR Codes related to technology and have students reach in a bowl to pull a code.  Then each student would scan that code with their phone to find out their project topic. Overall, students desire to learn something new but sometimes require visuals to comprehend the material. By utilizing the smart devices already owned by students can increase the level of interest for students wanting to spend a few hours learning.

Ways to manage BYOD in the classroom would be to set the ground rules at the beginning of class of what is acceptable and not acceptable regarding the use of their smart devices while in class. To ensure the students are clear on the rules, have them sign a BOYD contract that reinstates the rules. Lastly, another solution would be to create a lock down app that would only allow students to pull the necessary applications for class purposes.

What this trend means for digital equity is that school administrations need to meet with school boards to research grants that can be used to purchase technological devices. For instance, 11th-grade students learning algebra could benefit from a smart board in the classroom to play interactive mathematical games to understand formulas. To gain support, administrators in the school system can conduct yards sales as a means to raise funds to go toward the purchase of technological devices. Can get the support of neighboring schools that are well off to donate their used tech devices to underprivileged schools. Even gain the support of the community by having a tech drive to retrieve donated mobile devices. Ask retired IT workers to volunteer their time to upgrade and fix devices as needed to aid in the cost of paying a tech support team. Teachers might want to bring in their own devices and conduct a group project. Overall, it will take a collaborative effort to meet the demands of technology in the classroom.

The effects of this technology trend will lead teachers needing to attend workshops that would prepare them on how to implement technology into the classroom. There will need to be hands-on activities that allow the teacher to work with the new technology to gain insight on how it will work in their classroom. Ultimately, to meet the professional development needs, must evaluate the technical skills teachers will need to be effective and efficient. Have to evaluate the teacher’s personal interest in using technology in their classroom. Need to evaluate the teacher’s weaknesses as it relates to technology to build a developmental plan that will build the teacher’s confidence in using technology in the classroom.

If students do not study technology, they will probably be at a disadvantage in the workforce. Because the way of the future is technology driven, it would be in the best interest of the student to learn all forms of technological devices. As the type of jobs offered begins to shift towards technology, students need to be able to showcase their skill sets in technology. Most jobs will begin to be virtual in nature, and the high demand for being technology literate will soar. Students need to prepare for a virtual workforce to compete for future jobs.

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