Thursday, February 2, 2017


VGo is a stand-alone rotating robot that enables a person to be present in real-time from a distant location to interact with colleagues. This virtual robotic hologram has auditory and speech capabilities to interact with the people in real-time. This device is controlled 100% indoors by remote control and relies on Wi-Fi signaling to be interactive. VGo can be used in a group or individual environment to interact with the people around them. The motorized unit stands 4 feet tall but can be extended up to five feet.  Other features include a camera, microphones, and video display. The battery life for VGo ranges between 6 to 12 hours once charged on its charge dock station which comes with the purchase of the unit. The VGo app allows up to twenty people to download the application needed for communication purposes. The person signing in from their mobile or PC device will have access to control the movement of the robot by dragging their mouse. The only stipulation is that one person can operate VGo at a time. Overall, the product is very simple to use and requires no training session.

The price of VGo is around $2,499.00 and comes with all the necessary tools needed to setup the product. Included with the purchase is a subscription package that includes various warranties like full hardware, software, VGONet Connectivity, and unlimited helpdesk support. Other optional purchases are the height extension and additional charging docks. Additionally, customers can have their VGo customized to include Verizon 4G LTE but will be responsible for renewing the subscription to Verizon.

With this in mind, school systems can use VGo for home bound students that are terminally ill or teenage mothers. VGo would allow these students to have a chance to interact with their peers from home actively. Because these students are not physically able to go to school, they can at least feel like they are still a part of the class. Due to the mobility of VGo, students can participate in library projects or recess as normal in a virtual sense. Students would not lose valuable memories or fall behind on coursework because they can access in remotely to complete assignments.  Also, can use the robot to interact with an international student overseas to learn about their culture and schooling.  Students could have the opportunity to have a foreign exchange student in their class to interact with in exchanging valuable learning experiences. VGo is a great tool to incorporate active learning in the classroom.

Lastly, to maintain this type of technology in the classroom would require a subscription plan that included a lifetime maintenance plan. Since VGo offers unlimited help desk support; maybe the company would be willing to add-in a lifetime maintenance plan to educational facilities. School administrators may have to research grants that would take care of the subscription packages that relate to the hardware and software programs. Keeping the units safe and secure would need to be a collaborative effort by all facility members to ensure all units are in their appropriate docking stations. Overall, VGo offers a pretty reasonable package deal to ensure consumers can maintain their robots. 

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